Tag: life goals


Twenty Twenty Goals

A New Year is my favourite time to set some goals. I prefer goals to resolutions as they feel more positive. I’ve been thinking about what I want this year to bring, and what I want to focus on. While I’m quietly making plans for the future, I also want to be present with Oren....

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Setting some goals for 2019

Over a week into the New Year, and I am finally getting around to sharing my goals for the year. In truth, it was only at the start of the week that I actually put them down on paper. Though I have, of course, been thinking about them for the last few weeks it took me a...

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My goals for 2018

  There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle”   I’d intended to put together my list of goals for this year before 2017 drew its final breath. That wasn’t to be, however, and I finally found time...

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