Tag: journal prompts

close up photo of notebook with pen


January Journal Prompts

January is the quietest month in the garden. But just becuase it looks quiet, doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. Rosalie Muller Wright Two weeks in, and January is slow and restful. I feel a little as though I am cocooned away from the real world. While we’ve been out and about a little, for...

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November Journal Prompts

“The house was very quiet, and the fog—we are in November now—pressed against the windows like an excluded ghost.” E.M. Forster A little late sharing these, the first two weeks of November have flown by! It’s been pretty wet and cold here, pretty miserable and we’ve been holed up at home far more than I...

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October Journal Prompts

“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves,We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”― Humbert Wolfe   Ah October! Do you love it? I love the magic of the month, the energy as the season changes, the darker mornings and evenings, the falling leaves, the colours, and the...

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September Journal Prompts

A week into September already – I have been soaking up this sunshine, spending time outdoors, wild swimming and embracing the warmth before it leaves us. Already I can feel the evenings drawing in, and am {almost} ready to embrace the changing seasons. I wanted to share with you this months Journal Prompts – print...

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New Moon Introspection

My cycle links to the New Moon. I find myself turning inwards at this time, feeling the need to hibernate for a few days. I feel old anxieties and worries come up, so it’s a time for me to sit quietly and sort through them. To give myself this time of healing and renewal. The...

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Journal Prompts – All About Me

Another set of journal prompts for a new month! I can’t believe it’s April already! – this year is flying by. These prompts can be used in anyway you like – in your diary, for an art journal, just to think about… The kiddos all have journals, usually three or four mornings a week, we...

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