Tag: dear bean


Dear Bean – Week Thirty Six

Dear Bean It’s been a looong week. I am more tired than I ever thought possible and getting achier and achier by the day. I am SO ready to not be pregnant now! My midwife came last Friday for my home visit. I’m lucky that she’s super lovely and supportive of home births. They’ll be...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Five

Dear Bean Not too much to report this week. I’ve had lots of Braxton Hicks, Bean is sitting really low – which is good I guess, but mighty uncomfortable! I’ve had a bit of lower back ache too, but still sleeping fine {other than having to wake to go pee}. I’m super slow at walking...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Four

Dear Bean Another week down… still feeling pretty OK. I’m tired and achey, but that’s to be expected. I’m feeling fairly good, sleeping OK, Bean is very wriggly still. I’m trying to get the last bits organised, a ‘hospital bag’ packed {even though I’m planning another home birth, I always have a bag of essentials...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Three

Dear Bean It’s been another good week, asides from feeling tired all is good. I had a midwife check this week, and the only ‘issue’ they brought up was that my platelet count was low. Sitting at 132 instead of the 150 minimum that is considered normal. I came home and did a lot of...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Two

Dear Bean How have we hit 32 weeks already? part of me feels like I’ve been pregnant forever, yet at the same time the last few weeks have really flown. I’m definitely on a count down now. Beastie asks every day ‘how many sleeps to baby?’. I think we’re pretty much set. The baby clothes...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty One

Dear Bean Nine weeks to go! I’ve felt much better this week… physically and mentally. I’m still tired, and will honestly be glad to not be pregnant, but at the same time I’ve felt a lot more at peace. I’ve had a few good nights sleep which has probably helped, and I’ve been working on...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty

Dear Bean It always feels like a milestone is met when I hit the thirty-week mark! Ten weeks to go… or thereabouts. Bump is all good, my back is still bad, though not as bad as it has been. Some nights I still wake up, but a hot water behind my back when I’m propped...

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Dear Bean – Week Twenty Nine

Dear Bean 29 weeks down, only 11 to go! Midwife appointment this morning went well, bump is measuring spot on, I’m still feeling pretty good other than the intense back pains at night {that’s apparently due to diastasis recti}, unfortunately, I don’t think there is much I can do about that until after the baby...

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