Tag: camping


Tips on Camping with Kids

Hurray – the summer holidays are nearly here, which means getting out there for an adventure with the family! There are lots of places you can enjoy quality family time, but you can’t beat a camping holiday for fun sleeping out under the stars. Camping is fun for children of all ages, but it can...

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Good Life Experience

We missed out on going to any festivals last year as we had to save all our pennies for moving house. So we’re excited that we’ll be going to at least one this year! The Good Life Experience is actually 10 minutes up the road for us in Hawarden, it falls just before G’s birthday...

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The Festival Survival Kit: Ten Must-Pack Items

If you want to enjoy a festival as much as you possibly can, you need to go prepared for anything. The last thing you need, when you’re stuck in the middle of a muddy field, is to find yourself needing something that you didn’t take with you. Rather than trusting the elements, and packing so...

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Let’s go glamping

1//2//3//4//5//6//7//8 We’re almost set for a weekend camping at Camp Bestival. There’s a big pile of stuff gathered ready in my living room {you can see our packing list HERE} I’m definetly more of a glamping girl than a roughing it girl. I love camping BUT I do like a few creature comforts. I decorate...

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Packing list for a family festival

Camp Bestival is just a couple of weeks away! We’re actually heading off two weeks tomorrow, as we’re staying in Bournemouth the night before to break our journey up. Last year I had the, ahem, wise idea of leaving at 2am…. thinking {hoping?!} that the girls would go back to sleep and we’d have an...

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Camp Bestival – part two

So many photos! {see the first set here} Honestly, I can’t say enough good things about Camp Bestival. We had an AMAZING time… even papa ;) there was way more stuff on than we could see/do, something for every age.The kiddos loved having so many other kids around to play with, they all made lots...

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Camp Bestival – part one

It’s crazy to think that it’s a whole week since we arrived at Camp Bestival already! We left home in the middle of the night, thinking that the kiddos would sleep most of the drive. Well, holiday excitement proved to be to much to sleep! A 5am stop just outside of Bristol for a wee...

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