Month: September 2020


Rest and recouperation

**It’s kind of ironic that I wrote this post last weekend, planning to publish it on Monday, to only end up REALLY ill with Mastitis. I thankfully just avoided the hospital, and after 48 hours of antibiotics am feeling a little bit better at last. There has been lots of rest and recouperation this week!...

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woman carrying her baby and working on a laptop


Finding Balance

I’m sure there have been a million articles written about how to find balance, yet it still seems to be one thing that everyone is searching for like the holly grail. For Mums especially, balance is seen as this magical thing that we have to achieve in order to have all aspects of our life...

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On doing it all

The other day, I posted a photo on my Instagram. Alongside it, I talked about filling my own cup, in taking time to myself, and doing things that make me feel good. Running, or yoga, early nights, long, hot baths. Somebody replied asking me ‘How do I do it all?”. The short answer is I...

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