Tag: #threegoodthings

gratefulness #threegoodthings


Gratefulness – my Three Good Things

It’s a cold and wet bank Holiday Monday here as I write this. Keeping gratefulness in my heart, by giving thanks for the rain and the good it is doing to my garden. We’ve been out for a dog walk, and are now cosied back up at home, pottering around, playing some Mario Kart on...

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spring flowers toddler outdoors sunshine


Three Good Things

Happy Monday! I’m refreshed after a good weekend, and ready for another busy week. I managed another weekend with no workk {apart from a quick twetny minute check in yesterday, so knew what was on my plans for the week} and very little social media. These weekends offline are doing me the world of good....

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boys playing in a mud kitchen


Three Good Things

Godo morning! I hope you all had a lovely weekend? Ours was so good! I enjoyed the sunshine, pottered around my garden, had a fire, went in the hot tub, saw my Mama, watched a couple of movies, zoomed with all my family, and went to the river. I’ve been trying hard to keep weekends...

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Three Good Things

I used to write these #threegoodthings posts AGES ago, and I’ve been thinking for a while about bringing it back. While I keep a daily gratitude journal, I used to love sharing my three good things on here, it keeps me accountable, I love looking back at all these posts but most of all –...

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Three Good Things

Happy new week. I hope that you all had a good weekend, mine was fairly slow and chilled, which is just what I need right now! We caught up with friends, I had the urge to clean the house {hoping it was a sign of baby coming soon….. haha!}, had a BBQ on Saturday night,...

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Three Good Things

Hello! Last week was pretty darn hectic, and by the weekend, I was exhausted. I keep forgetting I’m 8 months pregnant and cannot keep up the pace! Saturday saw me too tired to do very much, so asides from a quick trip to the supermarket for essentials, I had a very lazy day. The kiddos...

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Three Good Things

Happy Monday! And hurrah for sunshine! It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve written one of these posts, so I thought it was time I popped in and gave a little gratitude. For all the shit days, and the hard stuff life throws our way, there is always a silver lining, always a little...

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Three Good Things

Good morning! The kiddos and I are enjoying a couple of days away, a very brief visit home to my Dad’s. It’ll most likely be the last chance we get to be here before the baby arrives, as by the next school holidays I’ll be 35 weeks and I’m not sure I’ll want to do...

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