Tag: single parenthood


Feeling the load

Lately, I’ve been feeling the load – the overwhelm of all that parenting brings, especially as a single parent. Getting kids ready for Uni/College/Groups, figuring out who needs to be where and when, who needs dinner at what time. Juggling work and children. Home ed. Kids at college. Bills. Money {or lack of}. Meals. Housework....

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mum guilt, motherhood, single parenting, enchanted pixie, polly jemima, time out, self care


Mum Guilt – let’s talk about it

I was sat with friends the other day, chatting about this and that and everything in between. We ended up talking about taking time out/off/for ourselves, and how everyone has this huge mum guilt when they do somethign that is solely for them. It got me thinking about how Mum guilt and how it shaped...

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I’m no super{wo}man

Five kids. One house. Four cats. A dog. Homeschooling. Schooling. Self-employment. Family life. Kids commitments…. One single Mama. It sounds a recipe for chaos, and truthfully, sometimes there is. Yet somehow it all works out. Falling apart is never an option, sitting and doing nothing definitely not one. When you are the sole adult there...

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Listening to my heart song

The last few years have been a rollercoaster, there have been some major ups and downs, life has been shaken about more than once and I’ve continuously had to pick myself up and dust myself off and start again. There have been times when I’ve felt lost, and haven’t known who I was or where...

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Five Weeks

It’s kinda crazy that Oren has been Earthside for five weeks already. There were times when I was pregnant that I wondered how I would manage. With four older kiddos, no partner, homeschooling and being self-employed – and not in a position to take any maternity leave, I seriously doubted that I would manage. Five...

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When pregnancy isn’t full of joy

Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of joy, of immense happiness at the prospect of bringing new life into the world. If you’re not feeling quite like that, then it isn’t really ‘the done thing’ to talk about it. While I’ve been open about the fact that I ended my relationship {you can watch...

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A little pondering on life

Who else is in denial it’s December already? This year has flown by and I can’t believe we’re almost at its end already. It’s been a funny old year for me. After my marriage ended this time last year, the last festive season was a bit of a blur. There’s photo evidence that Christmas happened, but...

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Moving on…. time for a whole new chapter

I’ve spent the past twelve weeks hoping and praying that I would never have to write this post. I’ve hinted on here that the past few months have been really tough, and that there has been a lot of stuff going on ‘behind the scenes’ but I’ve not really talked much about what that was....

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