Tag: life lately


Life, lately

I thought it was about time I popped into this space for a little catch up. I’ve not been feeling very called to write lately, neither here nor on my Insta. I don’t seem to have any words or the urge to talk about me, how I’m feeling, what we’re doing… It’s been a time...

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Phew. It’s been a busy few weeks, and I feel like I’ve barely dipped my toes into this space. We’re at the tail end of the Easter Holidays here, we managed a couple of days away at my Dad’s house, lots of days outs, lots of time catching up with friends and enjoyed some sunshine...

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A little catch up & life lately

Happy Friday! This week has flown away with me, plus I’m still in denial that we are a week into September already! The past month or so has been hectic, and I feel like I’ve barely been on here. Between being busy and battling anxiety, I’ve been keeping a low profile as much as possible....

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Life, lately – a little catch up

Happy Hump Day… though how on earth is it only Wednesday?! I’m sure it should be Friday already, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking as I am so tired today. After the stress of sorting out my hacked blog at the weekend, I’m feeling massively behind on everything I should be doing. Last week was...

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Life, lately

THREE SLEEPS TO GO! Excitement in my house is getting out of hand – Kiki keeps coming and telling me “there are so many presents under the tree” haha! December has been a lovely month, lots of fun things going on, SNOW {!!}, catching up with friends, festive crafting… I *think* we are all set...

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A little pondering on life

Who else is in denial it’s December already? This year has flown by and I can’t believe we’re almost at its end already. It’s been a funny old year for me. After my marriage ended this time last year, the last festive season was a bit of a blur. There’s photo evidence that Christmas happened, but...

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#sunrise #silouhette


Life, lately

Happy Wednesday! We just got back from a long weekend with my Dad and Step-Mum, sneaking in a pre-Christmas visit while we had the chance. Being so far away from family always feels extra rubbish at this time of year, it’s too far to just be able to pop in and out over the festive...

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Life, Lately

Hello! September…. seems this summer flew by! We’re easing ourselves back into our normal rhythms this week, Lola went back to school yesterday and the little three and I added some last bits to our summer bullet journals and started this month’s book club book. Today the littlest two are with their dad for a...

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