
Phew. It’s been a busy few weeks, and I feel like I’ve barely dipped my toes into this space. We’re at the tail end of the Easter Holidays here, we managed a couple of days away at my Dad’s house, lots of days outs, lots of time catching up with friends and enjoyed some sunshine in the garden.

Easter Weekend was quite honestly the best weekend we’ve had in ages. The weather was gorgeous which helped, but we had a fab time. Friday we hit the beach, I realised that we actually had a whole day when none of the kiddos had any commitments so we thought we’d make the most of it, and headed to Colwyn Bay to meet friends. We spent a good four hours on the beach just chilling out {apart from the horrid ten minutes when we lost Beastie and his friend}, then went back to our friend’s house for dinner and a play. We didn’t get home until 10pm. Kiki and Lol had drama rehearsals all day Saturday and Sunday, so on Saturday the little two and I headed up to our local National Trust property to do the Easter Egg Hunt, then we had a BBQ in the evening.

On Sunday, we started the day with a mountain of Easter Eggs and an egg hunt in the garden. Beastie and Baya went out with their Dad for a few hours, so I got a blissful few hours to myself. I did NOTHING – just sat in the garden and read my book {and ate chocolate}. Monday we made the most of the sun in the garden and popped to watch a gig in the evening. And Tuesday we had Beastie’s first swimming lesson of the week, and then spent the day with friends in our garden. Doesn’t get much better than that for a long weekend!

We’ve not too much planned for the last few days of the holidays. The show that Lola and Kiki are doing is on over the weekend, so they are tied up with that. I’ve been trying to get a few jobs around the house done, and think about getting back into a normal routine next week!


I’ve been reading loads lately, oen that I’ve just finished is Radical Acceptance: Awakening the Love that Heals Fear and Shame. Such a good book – I found myself stopping at so many phrases with my mouth open. So many “oh wow” moments. It’s seriously hard to explain how deep this book goes into the types of thoughts you have about yourself but never quite verbalise. ts a self help book that can benefit everyone. It is full of heart-centred wisdom, it’s a book I would definitely recommend you read.


My OU access course. I have one assignment left to write, and then I’ve completed the course. I’ll be honest, I’ve really struggled to keep going. Not because it was too hard, but because of everything else going on in my life. With a baby on the way I knew I’d have to defer my plans to begin a degree this September, I didn’t enjoy the content of the course very much, and I just haven’t had the brain space to give it as much thought as I would have liked. Still, it is nearly done and I am so pleased with myself for sticking with it. I’m not sure what my next move will be. I’m kind of waiting to see how I feel in a few months time once Bean is here and we are settled into a new normal.


A Star is Born. Finally! I kind of missed it and hte hype when it first came out, then finally watched it with friends, and oh my goodness! It is so good. Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga were amazing in it, Jackson and Ally were such wonderful characters, and the soundtrack is fantastic too. It’s such a heart-wrencher through right?! I cried like a baby! I need to watch it again soon.


Getting ready for Bean! Clothes have been sorted and washed. The carrycot attachment for the Bugaboo organised, Moses baskets are ready, I have a pile of cloth nappies and plenty of muslins. I’ve been making a list of jobs I need/want to get sorted before he arrives, including stocking up my freezer with some homemade ready meals! Oh – and trying to make the most of sleep while I can!

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