A little catch up & life lately

Happy Friday! This week has flown away with me, plus I’m still in denial that we are a week into September already! The past month or so has been hectic, and I feel like I’ve barely been on here. Between being busy and battling anxiety, I’ve been keeping a low profile as much as possible. I’ve just read THIS BOOK which I’d totally recommend every woman reads, it was really inspiring! I’ve also delved into the world of Doterra, I’ve been using oils for years and am amazed at the quality of these ones! I am totally smitten with there Cheer blend.

There has been lots of thinking, and tweaking, and figuring out what’s next going on around here. Change is good, though not so great for my anxiety! But sometimes things have to change, even if it feels uncomfortable. I’ll come back and talk about changes soooooon I promise!

We had the best weekend at AudioFarm last week – though after five nights at a festival we all arrived home incredibly tired and with the biggest mountain of laundry I have ever seen. Still, there was lots of fun had and memories made – nothing beats a weekend in a field, with friends, music, wine and lots of glitter!

Since we got back, we’ve been busy decorating my new bedroom. I’m moving downstairs into the den, Kiki is having my old room and Beastie will have her room! I’m loving having a new, fresh space – plus the fact I have my own bathroom now! I’ll share some more photos once we’re done, the bathroom is almost there I just need to find a new rug for in there.

My house is upside down right now while we move and sort everything out. Nothing beats a good declutter though, to make the place feel lighter. We’ve just gotten rid of a pile of stuff to the tip, and we have a huge pile of stuff going to a charity shop on Monday. We’ve also sorted out the garden a little, and made an ‘adult only’ den for us!

After a crazy hectic few weeks, this amazing hamper that the lovely folk at Aldi sent over was the perfect gift to arrive home to after a weekend in a field… bubbly, chocolate, cookies, the best smelling candle ever and lots of other goodies! It certainly put a smile on my face.

Hows your September shaping up so far?

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