Life, lately

#sunrise #silouhette

Happy Wednesday! We just got back from a long weekend with my Dad and Step-Mum, sneaking in a pre-Christmas visit while we had the chance. Being so far away from family always feels extra rubbish at this time of year, it’s too far to just be able to pop in and out over the festive season, as much as the kiddos and I will have a blast this year, I can’t help wishing we had family around to celebrate with.

Still, looking through my diary when we got home, December is looking crazily busy, there is barely a day without something planned. We are SO excited all ready for Christmas. We may already be counting down the days [33 days….], and our Christmas Tree is arriving in just SIX days time. Huzzah!

Asides from a few days away, it’s been a quiet-ish couple of weeks. We’ve been to a few movies with IntoFilm – I finally got to see Beauty & The Beast on the big screen too, I was so happy! I took the kids to watch the new Paddington movie on the day it came out – there may have been a few tears from me at the end ha!

life lately

We’ve been enjoying the slow days, curled up inside when it’s cold out, crafting, reading, planning. I’ve just had my provisional driving license, and am busy studying for my Theory test. I’m planning on taking that first, and then starting lessons. I cannot wait for the freedom being able to drive will bring {and nor can my kiddos who have to walk everywhere!}

life, lately

I’ve been feeling pretty good as a whole the past few weeks, the anxiety and depression seem to have eased off, all my self-care is paying off – lots of exercise {as it’s really the best thing for my mental health}, lots of tasty healthy foods, plenty of sleep and lots of time with friends. I’ve a few plans underfoot, things that have been brewing for the past year but I needed the mojo to be able to execute them. I’m excited to get working on them and also for 2018 – I have a feeling it’s going to be the best year for me and my little family.

For now, I’ve a lot of catching up to do after a long weekend away – and how on earth is it the 22nd of November already? This month is flying by!}

1 Comment

  1. Claire

    November 23, 2017 at 09:51

    We can’t wait to watch Paddington- loved the first one. :-) So pleased you’re learning to drive- good luck! The freedom will be amazing! Although our first borns may be driving us around soon- gulp! Danny’s a member of Film Club too. Have a great week xxx

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