This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, a week to talk about Mental Health. A time to bring it into everyday conversation and to help to remove the stigma that still...
We all have ‘those days’ – the ones when nothing seems to go right, when you are overwhelmed and overwrought, when you wake up with a serious case of the...
Self-soothing. This is one thing that made a HUGE difference to me when my anxiety and depression were crippling. Learning methods that I could use when I was upset, anxious,...
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, a week to talk about Mental Health. A timt to bring it into everyday conversation and to help to remove the stigma that...
We all have ‘those days’ – days when nothing goes right, when you are overwhelmed and overwrought, when you wake up with a serious case of the ‘mehs’. For years...
There have been countless nights when I been crying hysterically, lying on one floor or another. There have been far more times than I could count when I have been...
Sometimes it hits and you know why. Bereavement. Relationship breakups. Miscarriage. A myriad of other reasons. And sometimes it hits and there is no one reason. Depression doesn’t only follow...
Eighteen months ago I was in the grips of anxiety and depression, and I couldn’t even imagine ever not feeling like that again. For too long I sat in that...
One thing I’ve learned these past few months is that being open and honest can help others who are going through their own rough patches. Last September, when my world...
I was raised to see vulnerability as a weakness. Told to not talk about our feelings, to put on a mask, pretend everything is fine – that it’s all about...
Life doesn’t always go to plan. For all of the good times, there are bad times too. Times when we’re hurt and sad. When we’re lonely. When life has derailed...
while today i’m living the life that i always dreamed of, up until a few years ago I was still trying to please others and do ‘what i should’ not what...
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig ...