Tag: depression


Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, a week to talk about Mental Health. A time to bring it into everyday conversation and to help to remove the stigma that still hovers over mental health issues. It is also a week to highlight ways to support your own mental health and to help support those who...

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5 tips to turn around a ‘down day’

We all have ‘those days’ – the ones when nothing seems to go right, when you are overwhelmed and overwrought, when you wake up with a serious case of the ‘mehs’. For years I’d let them control me, I’d see them as a sign that my depression/anxiety were ramping back up, I’d give in to...

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self-soothing techniques anxiety depression


Self-soothing – 5 techniques to help

Self-soothing. This is one thing that made a HUGE difference to me when my anxiety and depression were crippling. Learning methods that I could use when I was upset, anxious, or going through a tricky patch was a real life-changer. The way we cope when the shit hits the fan makes the world of difference....

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mental health awareness week


Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, a week to talk about Mental Health. A timt to bring it into everyday conversation and to help to remove the stigma that still hovers over mental health issues. It is also a week to highlight ways to support your own mental health and to help support those...

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5 ways to turn around a ‘down day’

We all have ‘those days’ – days when nothing goes right, when you are overwhelmed and overwrought, when you wake up with a serious case of the ‘mehs’. For years I’d let them control me, I’d see them as a sign that my depression/anxiety were ramping back up, I’d give in to those feelings and...

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Little ways to help yourself heal

As I talked about in my post ‘5 ways to support yourself‘, it is vital to put your support in yourself, to learn how to take care of yourself and build yourself up. Only YOU can be the savior of you. Here are 15 little ways to help yourself heal Stand in front of the...

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Wading through the fog

Sometimes it hits and you know why. Bereavement. Relationship breakups. Miscarriage. A myriad of other reasons. And sometimes it hits and there is no one reason. Depression doesn’t only follow a traumatic experience. Sometimes it can hit us when everything is going great, when life is happy and things are going well. That’s always the...

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