Day: December 20, 2017


Bathroom Products You Should Make From Home

Cosmetics and toiletries are full of potentially harmful chemicals, with women coming into contact with almost 700 ‘chemicals of concern’ each month. Many ingredients can be carcinogenic, meaning they could lead to the emergence of a life threatening illness. If you want to keep your body free from harmful substances, while saving some cash, you should...

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Review | Project Mc2 Experiment Doll

My middle two girls both love Project Mc2, it’s a great show that encourages girls to be strong and smart. Kiki has reviewed their experiment dolls before, so she was super excited to be sent this new Project Mc2 Experiment Camryn doll, with a make your own nail varnish project! The dolls are all dressed up for...

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6 tips to coping with a migraine

For the past ten years or so, I’ve suffered from migraines. I can’t quite pinpoint when they first began, when I switched from just getting headaches into something far worse. For migraines are not just a ‘really bad headache’. They are something else entirely. Mine start with a tingling around my head. Followed by pain,...

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