Tag: pregnancy update


Dear Bean – Week Forty

Dear Bean Full term! Now it’s time for you to come out please. All is good, though I’ve not been sleeping well as I’m so uncomfortable in bed now. I’m so tired, so achy and just ready to have a baby in my arms rather than my belly! Other than that, I’m feeling OK really....

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Two

Dear Bean How have we hit 32 weeks already? part of me feels like I’ve been pregnant forever, yet at the same time the last few weeks have really flown. I’m definitely on a count down now. Beastie asks every day ‘how many sleeps to baby?’. I think we’re pretty much set. The baby clothes...

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Dear Bean – Week Twenty Nine

Dear Bean 29 weeks down, only 11 to go! Midwife appointment this morning went well, bump is measuring spot on, I’m still feeling pretty good other than the intense back pains at night {that’s apparently due to diastasis recti}, unfortunately, I don’t think there is much I can do about that until after the baby...

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Dear Bean – Week Twenty Three

Dear Bean Another week ticked off. I’ve felt pretty uncomfortable much of this week. Bean has been sitting really low down and it’s not the most comfortable place for him to be. Hoping he decides to move around a little while he can, especially as we still have 17 weeks to go. Otherwise, all is much...

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Dear Bean – Week Nineteen

Dear Bean Another week ticked off, another week closer to meeting you. People keep asking if I have an idea of whether you’re a boy or girl, and really I don’t! I don’t mind either way – though your sisters and brother cannot wait to find out! I think I’m holding on until I know,...

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Dear Bean – Weeks 16 & 17

  Dear Bean I missed last weeks update in the midst of Christmas/New Year chaos, but I did manage to take a bump photo still. The kiddos and I have been brainstorming names, they are still in disagreement as to what they want you to be. But whoever you are, there are five people here very...

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Dear Bean – Week Fifteen

Dear Bean Only five weeks until I get to see you again! And hopefully, find out if you’re a boy or girl ♥ I’ve been feeling much better the past week. No sickness, not so tired, and a lot less hormonal. I’ve felt a few little flutters this week too, nothing beats feeling those first movements,...

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Dear Bean ~ Week 14

Dear Bean…. This past week seems to have been a little better… the sickness has mostly passed {fingers crossed}, I’ve slept a little better and am not feeling quite so rotten! Let’s hope it stays that way. Beastie keeps asking me when the baby is coming, he’s very concerned about whose bedroom it will have...

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