Tag: mental health


Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, a week to talk about Mental Health. A time to bring it into everyday conversation and to help to remove the stigma that still hovers over mental health issues. It is also a week to highlight ways to support your own mental health and to help support those who...

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body of water during golden hour


Embrace Serenity

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to get lost in the chaos. Amidst the noise, don’t forget to nurture your inner peace. Here are a few simple ways to reduce stress and invite tranquility into your day: Remember, stress is inevitable, but how you respond to it is within your control. Choose...

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Creating space

Life is so full and busy, that often there is no room to think – no breathing space. I’ve been feeling the overwhelm lately. Trying to keep all the many plates spinning – parenting, house, work, money, home ed, etc etc Feeling increasingly stressed, I realised I needed to create some space. To put down...

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5 tips to turn around a ‘down day’

We all have ‘those days’ – the ones when nothing seems to go right, when you are overwhelmed and overwrought, when you wake up with a serious case of the ‘mehs’. For years I’d let them control me, I’d see them as a sign that my depression/anxiety were ramping back up, I’d give in to...

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Winter Self Care Tips

The long, dark nights and freezing cold days of winter make me yearn to curl up in my bed and stay there until spring! If it wasn’t for the fact the kiddos would get cabin fever {and possibly I would too} I’d actually consider just not leaving the house for a few month from now....

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