Tag: love


Putting your heart on the line

I’ve not talked much on here about my last relationship. And I will.. just not right now. I need to write it out and dissect it, as much for myself as for anything else. After my marriage ended, and I found myself single for the first time in fifteen years, at first I couldn’t imagine...

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How much a heart can break

It was quarter to four in the morning, an ordinary Sunday morning, when my world fell apart. I woke from the depths of sleep, my toddler nestled beside me, as you stumbled into the room. I could tell you were drunk before you spoke, heard you ask if I was awake, see you sit beside...

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Two years of you

Sitting on my bed, you snuggled in my arms, nursing, cuddling my hair and getting ready for some sleep {I hope}. You still fit in my lap, though now there are arms and legs everywhere. A handful of hair, poking and pulling, prodding my face. Every now and then you go still, and I can...

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Love Life

Today we’re heading to Bangor for the day to a family funeral. We have to say goodbye to the last of the Kiddos great-grandparents. As sad as it is, I’m choosing today to remember all those good times and fun memories we have of him. A funeral always reminds us of how fragile life is....

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Around here

prettiest teacup // tasty lunch // friendly mannequins // sleepy Baya // new cushion // making optical illusions // Kiki making a handmade doll for Baya’s birthday // hot chocolates A snapshot of life around here lately, as seen through my Instagram. I love Instagram, it’s a great place to share little snippets of our...

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Love, love me do

Happy Valentines Day G! I love you! I hope that you’re all spending the day with someone you love :) The kiddos and I are planning a few fun valentines crafts this morning, Papa is at college until lunchtime. Then we have family coming for the weekend, as it is his Papa’s 60th birthday today!...

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A heart full of love

February always makes me think of hearts and flowers and love. While we’re busy thinking of Valentines Day and showing our partners that we love them, it’s also a great time to indulge in a little self-love. It’s important to remind ourselves of all the good in our life, some days we need those reminders...

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