Tag: healthy living


Smoothies for hot summer days

I’ve been making a conscious effort lately to inject a little more goodness into our diets, as well as cutting down on the amount of sugar and junk we’ve been eating. It helps, of course, that it’s summer – it always makes salad and fruit far more appetising! We’ve been getting into the habit of...

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Healthy Granola Bars

As well as working out more recently, I’ve been making more of a conscious effort to clean up my eating. I’d fallen back into bad habits, especially over the festive season, eating too much bread, cheese and sweet things. It’s time to change that! I’ve just bought this cookbook, and am excited to start trying...

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Workout Motivation

Working out…. it’s not something that I’m naturally drawn to. I never was athletic… sure, I horse rode and played netball in primary school, but by the time I was a teenager I would do anything to avoid P.E lessons. I hated them. Cross country runs through muddy tunnels and games of hockey on a...

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Super Seeds

A while back, I bought a packet of mixed ground seeds from a health food shop. packed full of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, linseed and flaxseed, they contain essential fatty acids,vitamins and minerals. They are great sprinkled on your breakfast cereal, mixed into homeamde muffins, added to soups and stews – in fact, they can...

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Couch to 5k – Final Week!

source I did it!!!!! I’m so happy that I’ve actually stuck this one out and finished the training plan :) I won’t lie – this last week has been tough, my body’s found the longer runs hard going. But I’ve kept going and pushed through. I do feel so much better for regular excercies. The...

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