Setting some goals for 2019

Over a week into the New Year, and I am finally getting around to sharing my goals for the year. In truth, it was only at the start of the week that I actually put them down on paper. Though I have, of course, been thinking about them for the last few weeks it took me a...

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goals for a new year >>>>

i realised that i never shared the list of goals i made for this year. i don’t make resolutions…. i find that i have a tendancy to break them straight away ha! goals, however, give me something to work towards, it doesn’t matter if i go a little off track once in a while, they...

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31 before 32

I have been so excited to make this list! I’ve been thinking of them for the past couple months, and now I can’t wait to get started on. Goals make my world go round! This is my third year of making a list of goals for the coming year on my birthday, you can see...

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2012 Goals

i love the fresh start a new year offers. a time for goals and resolutions – for dreaming big and making plans. i like to set myself a few obtainable goals each year. Here are my goals for this year: CLEAN UP MY DIET over the past few months my diets gradually gotten worse.. too...

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new year planning

I don’t know about you but I LOVE making plans for the new year :) Dreaming up all of the things I want to do, all of the goals I want to make, all of the great things I want the year to bring. Nothing beats the promise of a fresh new year. I don’t...

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Goal #5

My final goal for 2011 –  project 365. Take one picture everyday (or more…but at least one) I hope this will help me get to know my camera better, help me remember special moments and make me less self concious about taking photographs in public! I figure they’ll be days this is really hard, days...

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Goal #4

Be proud of who I am. Stand up and shout out loud what I believe in (well, maybe not shout ha!) Do not be afraid to say what I think – even if it isn’t the same as everyone else. Fitting in isn’t all it’s made out to be! Dare to be different. Follow my...

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