Tag: family time


Summer Memories

Summer Days. I spent the month mostly unplugged from this space and all social media. Not offline as I still had to work. But taking a step back from the online world. Focusing on being present and spending time with my kiddos. With Lola home from Uni for the summer, we had a full house....

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And that was Christmas!

Happy 2020! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year? I’ve been offline as much as possible for a couple of weeks, just enjoying a slightly slower pace of life and some quality time with the kiddos. I hardly even took any photos – a few, but I’m finding that I want...

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Five Ideas for Family Time

As a homes schooling family, we spend a lot of time together. The little three kiddos are home all day five/six days a week {they spend a few hours once or twice a week with their Dad}, though my eldest is at school five days a week. That time isn’t always quality family time – it’s...

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Family Time

The kiddos and I headed off again last week, just three days after getting back from the Just So, to spend a long weekend with my Dad and Step-Mum. We lucked out with some sunny, warm weather again and had a lovely few days. It was a much-needed break – being away at family for...

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Ideas for a slow sunday

Life is pretty hectic, it gets busy and stressful and by the weekend more often than not I’m exhausted and want to hide in a cave! Mama’s keep on going, often giving more than they have, running on empty with an exhausted body and a frazzled mind. Working from home, and with three of my...

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Sunday strolls and elderberry syrup

Sunday morning we woke up, and it was one of those beautiful Autumn mornings. Crisp, cool and sunny. We had a quick breakfast and decided to take an early morning stroll, along to the park and to collect some elderberries. I like to make up a batch of elderberry syrup around about now, to see...

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National Picnic Week

Did you know that it’s National Picnic Week this week?! We love a picnic, and will take any excuse to have another! We teamed up with Wayfair and through a picnic in our local park with some lovely Mama friends. Thankfully, the sun shone which always helps – though we have been known to picnic...

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TV for family time

Lazy Sunday mornings or a wet, cold evening, there’s nothing quite like all six of us snuggling up together on the sofa’s and watching a movie or some cartoons together. I do keep limits on screen time for the kiddos, but there is nothing wrong with an hour or two of TV here and there....

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