Category: JOURNAL


A leap of faith

This is never how I saw my story unfolding. I was a ‘one marriage, I do forever’ kind of girl… until I realised that didn’t fit anymore. I never imagined I would be here at almost 40. Divorced. Single Mama. I said ’till death do us part’ and I meant it, I spent years trying...

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Embracing Change

Friday night. I’ve managed to get the living room to myself. The boys are in bed, the girls in their rooms settling down for the night. 14 weeks of lockdown, and the world is slowly coming back to life around us. I do’nt know whether I am happy about that or not. I’ve loved this...

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Coming home to me

“I have lost and loved and won and cried myself to the person I am today.” Charlotte Eriksson In the last few months I’ve felt more me than I ever have. I feel like a whole differnet person. I hunkered down for the last eighteen months, trying to survive an abusive relationship, deal with the...

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Life after an abusive relationship

Eighteen months ago, I took the kiddos out for lunch. Bumped into a friend, and it ended up being a day that would change my life completely. Sat having lunch, said friend came over to tell me that the man helping in her daughter’s shop commented ‘how beautiful’ I was. At this point, eighteen months...

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Putting your heart on the line

I’ve not talked much on here about my last relationship. And I will.. just not right now. I need to write it out and dissect it, as much for myself as for anything else. After my marriage ended, and I found myself single for the first time in fifteen years, at first I couldn’t imagine...

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When the fog lifts

Hello there. It has been a long time since I’ve written on here. So much has come to pass, I wasn’t sure if I would ever return. But here I am. The fog has lifted The past eighteen months have been foggy. Live got complicated {isn’t it always?} and I have been in survival mode....

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this too shall pass

I felt like I *should* drop into this space and write something. Something meaningful. Or helpful. Or interesting…. I’ve sat here and stared at a blank page for ten minutes. And the words just aren’t coming. I don’t know what to say. And even writing that makes me feel like crying. I feel a little...

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