When the fog lifts

Hello there. It has been a long time since I’ve written on here. So much has come to pass, I wasn’t sure if I would ever return. But here I am.

The fog has lifted

The past eighteen months have been foggy. Live got complicated {isn’t it always?} and I have been in survival mode. I will tell that story in time, but not today. I am not the person I was, yet now the fog has cleared I feel more like me than I have in a long time.

I found a strength I never knew I had, the endurance to bunker down and ride out the storm, and here I stand, the other side, whole again, happy, content and dreaming BIG.

Three years ago my world crashed down, and I fell apart. Or maybe I fell back together… because, eighteen months on, when another relationship came to an end {with a whole other set of circumstances} I didn’t fall apart. I dug deep and got myself out of an awful situation before it was too late, the old me would have stayed quiet and stayed put.

But not this new me. I chose ME. I chose to be single and free and happy. I chose to live a life I love rather than being oppressed.

There was a long period of time when I needed to keep the shutters closed. While I quietly dealt with the trauma and rebuilt myself. While I birthed a new baby alone. While I survived that newborn phase.

2019 was a year of staying small and staying quiet. Of planting seeds, and watering them, and being patient while they rooted, invisibly underground.

2020 will be the year of growth, of seeing those seeds shoot for the sky. Of building and creating and becoming.

I’m so glad to have you here along for the ride with me.

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