Category: ADVICE


Keeping food costs down – 6 tips to help

Every time that I go to the supermarket, it seems like the prices have risen again. Everything seems to be getting more and more expensive every single week. I know many families are concerned about meeting these rising costs, especially given that all of our other bills are increasing too. The last month or two,...

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Goodbye to my people-pleasing self

I’ve been a life-long people pleaser, though it took me a long time to realise that’s what I was. I’ve always had difficulty saying no, in setting boundaries, in standing up for myself and saying what I think. Low self-esteem made me afraid to disappoint anyone. For a very, very long time, I put myself...

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nurturing yourself through self care


Nurturing Yourself Through Self-care

There is a multitude of stress-relieving activities our hands could lay on. You got gym, meditation, yoga, and even shopping. However, if you think about it, these activities are merely distractions if you do not address the real issue you are facing, and that is taking care of yourself. For instance, while you hit the...

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Work hard for your dreams

I came across a quote whilst scrolling IG the other day {but annoyingly didn’t save it, and now can’t find it again}. It was probably from Quote Collectors Club and it basically said something along the lines of ‘You still have to put the work in when you are manifesting.’ It really struck a chord...

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Listen to yourself

How often do you ignore what you know deep down? How many times do you quieten your inner voice? Ignore your gut feelings? Go against what feels right? Do what you think you ‘should’ instead of what you want? Society teaches us that we don’t know what’s best for ourselves. That we shouldn’t trust our...

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New Moon Introspection

My cycle links to the New Moon. I find myself turning inwards at this time, feeling the need to hibernate for a few days. I feel old anxieties and worries come up, so it’s a time for me to sit quietly and sort through them. To give myself this time of healing and renewal. The...

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weeds superfoods


Why weeds are wonderful

When you think of superfoods you probably don’t think of weeds. But there are many found-at-a-roadside plants common to the UK that can provide a whole host of health benefits. Nettle (Urtica dioica) The stinging nettle grows pretty rampantly throughout the UK. But did you know that it contains about as much Omega-3 as spinach,...

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