Search results for: goals


I sat last weekend, and read back through the goals I set myself for 2020. Asides from buying fresh flowers every week {I did buy myself flowers, but not every week as often the last...

Goals and Dreams

I’ve been listening to ‘Girl, Stop Apologising’ when I’ve been running or out by myself for the last week {this is actually a game-changer for me, I’ve never been an audiobook girl, but am LOVING...

Twenty Twenty Goals

A New Year is my favourite time to set some goals. I prefer goals to resolutions as they feel more positive. I’ve been thinking about what I want this year to bring, and what I...

Setting some goals for 2019

Over a week into the New Year, and I am finally getting around to sharing my goals for the year. In truth, it was only at the start of the week that I actually put them down...

My goals for 2018

  There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle”   I’d intended to put together my list...

goals for a new year >>>>

i realised that i never shared the list of goals i made for this year. i don’t make resolutions…. i find that i have a tendancy to break them straight away ha! goals, however, give...

2012 Goals

i love the fresh start a new year offers. a time for goals and resolutions – for dreaming big and making plans. i like to set myself a few obtainable goals each year. Here are...

Top Tips for Balancing Parenting and Online Education

Pursuing a degree while taking care of a family is no easy task, but with the right strategies, it’s possible to succeed in both areas. Modern programs cater to individuals juggling multiple responsibilities, offering the...