Goals and Dreams
I’ve been listening to ‘Girl, Stop Apologising’ when I’ve been running or out by myself for the last week {this is actually a game-changer for me, I’ve never been an audiobook girl, but am LOVING having more ‘reading’ time!!}. I read her previous ‘Girl, Wash Your Face’ and found it really inspiring and motivating, but this one is really resonating with me right now.
I’ve had ‘dreams’ for years and years. Dreams of learning to drive, of going to university, of creating a whole new life. Yet I’ve never really done anything about them, and surprise surprise they’re still dreams that haven’t come to fruition.
Listening to this book made me realise that dreams will stay dreams unless we actively work towards them. There is a difference between dreams and goals. Dreams are just wishes we make, goals are something we are working to.
“A goal is a dream with it’s work boots.”
Rachel Hollis
It really opened my eyes and made me see that if I want to achieve any of those dreams, I have to start working really flipping hard on them. I need to figure out which are dreams and which are goals and then get my butt in gear.
One section of the book that really caught my attention was her ’10-10-1′ process. Basically, you have to create a vision of where you want your life to be in ten years’ time. This is the best version of you – you can go into as much detail as you like – what you do, where you live, what you enjoy doing, important people in your life. Then, you write down ten dreams that would need to come true to get you to that place in ten years’ time.
Finally – she tells us to pick one goal to focus on first.
Then we work on that goal until we achieve it, then start the next, and so on until we have gotten to where we want to be.
I love this method as it breaks it down, and makes it seem far more achievable. Sometimes when we write down a huge list of goals it is so overwhelming that it puts us off and we give up before we’ve even begun.
Focusing on one goal at a time means we can be ultra focused on that one thing, and don’t get overwhelmed or distracted by everything else.
I’ve put my list of ten goals together {I might share that another time} and am working on goal one. Actually, I’m working on goal two at the same time as there are a couple of bits that overlap. I feel like for the first time in my adult life, I have achievable goals and a direction in life. I may be nearly 40 but I’m envisioning a new life and working hard towards it.
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