Month: August 2022


How to Create a Relaxing Space in Your Garden

Your garden is the perfect place to unwind after a long day and reconnect with nature. Nowadays, we spend so much of our time indoors or on the go, so taking some time to be outside and practice mindfulness is so important for our mental health. If you want to create the perfect sanctuary in...

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Goodbye to my people-pleasing self

I’ve been a life-long people pleaser, though it took me a long time to realise that’s what I was. I’ve always had difficulty saying no, in setting boundaries, in standing up for myself and saying what I think. Low self-esteem made me afraid to disappoint anyone. For a very, very long time, I put myself...

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Mindful Monday

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we spend so much time yearning for something different yet keep on doing the same thing. We want a different life; we dream of more adventures, freedom, excitement, love, fun, and money, but we don’t change our day-to-day life. How can we expect change without making changes...

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Creating a cosy bedroom space for Autumn

We may be in the midst of summer, but already I can see signs of Autumn creeping in. The leaves are beginning to change, the nights drawing in slightly already, and while it’s warm and sunny right now, those chilly Autumn days are just around the corner. We’ve been spending a little time this past...

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How to Achieve Your Simplest Move Ever

Photo source: Making the decision to move can be a daunting task. But what if we told you that there was a way to make your move simpler than ever before? Believe it or not, it is possible! In this blog post, we will discuss how to achieve your simplest move ever. We will...

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Opening up

Sitting curled up on my sofa, a beautiful playlist singing in the background, working on some new opportunities, I’m feeling so very thankful for this life. The first half of this year felt like a slog. I was wading through mud the whole time. Dragging my feet, and only just keeping my head above water....

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