Weekend Reflections
I’m halfway through my third weekend of no social media. It feels good. The first weekend was hard, embarrassingly hard. I was surprised at how many times my hand reached out for my phone, ready to scroll. Today has felt so much easier. I can see the benefits of social media free time on my wellbeing, so much so. Taking time to just be, to not scroll endlessly but equally to not feel the need to share snippets of our day on there. Don’t get me wrong, I love sharing on Instagram stories, I enjoy capturing parts of our day and my thoughts and ponderings, the connections it brings, and the memories it saves.
Sometimes I think it is good to just live your life, to not feel like you should constantly be taking photos of what you are doing, to not catching someone else’s perfect moment and comparing your entire imperfect day to it.
I’m sitting on my sofa, enjoying a peaceful house and TV whilst I write this and study. My eldest is upstairs studying, we’ve got a TV date later on, the others have all gone to their Dad’s for the night. It’s Oren’s first attempt at a sleepover… I am fully expecting him home, in need of boobies later, but for now, I am enjoying some time to myself.
After years of avoiding being alone, these days I cherish any me time I get. Whether I spend it doing something fun, or working/studying I don’t mind. It’s nice to have a little headspace and an opportunity to watch what I want on the TV ha!
It’s been a slow Saturday, with a few gymnastics zooms for the girls, lots of Duplo playing for the boys as well as some painting, I’ve read over half of Beastie’s current read-aloud, potted up the sunflower seedlings, done a mountain of laundry, baked a carrot cake.
I’m ready for some mindless TV later and a large glass of red. Happy weekend.
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