Tag: baby number five


Happy First Birthday Oren Sage Malachi

And just like that…. Oren is one! I swear this has been the fastest year of my life! ONE – we’re all still trying to get our head around how our tiny baby is a whole year old already. We’ve had so much fun, and made so many memories. He’s been walking for a couple...

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The fourth trimester

Just like that, we’re out of the fourth trimester. These three months have flown by, yet at the same time some days have felt like twenty, and there have been moments when I wondered how we’d make it through. But we have. And we have thrived, When I had my first baby, 16 years ago,...

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Oren’s Birth Story

I promised myself that this pregnancy, I wouldn’t expect him to arrive early, yet the last three weeks I was so impatient. I was tired and achy and just wanted a baby in my arms already! There were a couple of false starts when I had a few twinges that came to nothing, but finally,...

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Dear Bean – Welcome Earthside!

And then he was here ♥ Oren Sage Malachi Davies was born on Thursday 20th June, at 12.21am after four hours of labour. He weighed 9lb 3 oz {not quite beating Beastie’s 9lb 6oz}. We’re all more than a little smitten. His big sisters and brother are all loving helping out and giving him lots of...

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Dear Bean – A Maternity Shoot

I got these photos back just before I went into labour with Oren, and didn’t have a chance to share them! I’ve never had any ‘real’ photos taken when pregnant before, only the ones I’ve shot myself. I was a little nervous initially at posing in front of someone else, but I ended up loving...

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Dear Bean – Week Forty

Dear Bean Full term! Now it’s time for you to come out please. All is good, though I’ve not been sleeping well as I’m so uncomfortable in bed now. I’m so tired, so achy and just ready to have a baby in my arms rather than my belly! Other than that, I’m feeling OK really....

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Seven

Holy Moly! Thirty Seven Weeks!!! I can not believe we’re almost at the finishing line already. in some ways, it feels like forever since I announced this baby was on his way, and even longer since I first saw those two lines on a stick. Yet here we are, 37 weeks… the midwives are on...

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Dear Bean – Week Thirty Six

Dear Bean It’s been a looong week. I am more tired than I ever thought possible and getting achier and achier by the day. I am SO ready to not be pregnant now! My midwife came last Friday for my home visit. I’m lucky that she’s super lovely and supportive of home births. They’ll be...

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