Month: February 2018


Goodbye February

Another month down, February flew by, we were pretty busy the whole month through. Another good month, the little signs of spring that are showing up are keeping me hanging on through these cold days – we’ve had a few mild days in between the cold snaps, there are bulbs popping up in my garden, and...

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Recipe || Vegan Shepherds Pie

Nothing beats a Shepherds Pie on a cold day to warm you up. I was in need of some serious comfort food last week, it was cold, I was recovering from a bug and I was tired after a busy week. So I whipped up this delicious vegan Shephards Pie with GoodMinz and red lentils,...

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Three Good Things

  Yay! Three Good Things is back… I missed last week’s as I had no internet… FOUR whole days without WiFi – I quite liked it [apart from the difficulty it makes for my work], the kids were not so keen ha! Still, it’s good to be back online, it was a pretty hectic week last...

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Celebrating Mama on Mothers Day

With March just around the corner, that means its almost Mothers Day. Here in the UK it falls on Sunday 11th this year. I’m sure like most Mama’s, what I’d like most of all is a nice long lie in, breakfast in bed and an entire day of doing nothing. Not so sure how likely...

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Creating a family vision board

If you”re not familiar with a vision board – it is a collection of images which represent your goals and dreams for the future. Not just something pretty to look at; they also function as visualization tools. Visualization, or imagining an activity, is a powerful way to help you better see and plan for your goals. By seeing...

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