Couch to 5K – Week 2


The first week went really well… I managed the workouts with no problem, found myself looking forward to them too!!! I think that I may add in a 4th workout each week as 3 just doesn’t feel like enough.

I’m noticing that when I get up and exercise first thing in the morning, it really sets me up for a great day! It puts me in a great mood and boosts my energy levels too.
This week I’m going to introduce a floor workout for the days in-between my runs. Squats, lunges, crunches and some free weights too. Here are a couple of useful guides that show pretty much some of the exercises I will be doing. I’m aiming to do a 20 minute workout 3/4 times a week of these.



Waist – 27 1/2″
Hips –  36 1/2″
Thighs – 19″
Next week I will look at my diet – I’ve been ‘cleaning’ up what I eat, and share the first of my ‘healthy’ recipes with you :)
If you’re joining in, leave me a comment to let me know how you’re getting on!

1 Comment

  1. Couch to 5K - Week 3 - Enchanted Pixie

    August 10, 2015 at 10:53

    […] GOOD :)  The days inbetween my runs, I’ve been doing some leg, bum and tum exercises (from last weeks post). After 3 weeks of exercising AND healthy eating, I’m definealy noticing some changes in my […]

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