Tag: c25k


Weekend Links

photo from deathtothestockphoto.com Happy Saturday! It’s a normal-ish weekend here, though Lola has gone off on Guide camp for the weekend so we’re down to *only* three kiddos! Kiki and Baya have gym this afternoon, then we’re planning a girlie movie night tonight. We have family visiting tomorrow and Miss Lola will be home {no...

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Couch to 5k – Final Week!

source I did it!!!!! I’m so happy that I’ve actually stuck this one out and finished the training plan :) I won’t lie – this last week has been tough, my body’s found the longer runs hard going. But I’ve kept going and pushed through. I do feel so much better for regular excercies. The...

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Couch to 5k – Weeks 7 & 8

source I didn’t post an update last week, but I was still busy working out. I’m finding this weeks training schedule pretty tough. I think my body is best suited to interval training, rather than long runs. But, I’m determined to stick out the schedule and push past my boundaries. It may be that after...

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Couch to 5k – Week 6

Week 6 – or really Week 5, take 2!!! After the slight hiccup at the start of last week, I decided that I’d spend an extra week doing the week 5 workouts. Thankfully, the workouts this week have been going fine. I’m managing them easily AND enjoying it too :) I’m noticing how much stronger...

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Couch to 5K – Week 5

Week 5. This week has been tough. Monday morning I came to do the first of this weeks workouts… and about 3/4 the way through I felt as though I was dying. I just struggled on, but the same thing happened this on Tuesday too.  I don’t know if it’s the increase in the run...

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Couch to 5K – Week 4

Week 4 – and I’m seriously impressed that I’m still on track!!! I’m all to good at getting started on something, and then after a couple of weeks just not bothering. But not this time! I am determined that I will get fit and be able to run 5k without collapsing in a heap on...

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Couch to 5K – Week 3

Week 3… I’m feeling great! I’m impressed that I’m keeping to the training plan. Even on days when I wake up tired and not feeling like excerising, I’ve managed to convince myself to do that run, and I’m noticing that afterwords I feel GOOD :)  The days inbetween my runs, I’ve been doing some leg, bum and...

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Couch to 5K – Week 2

The first week went really well… I managed the workouts with no problem, found myself looking forward to them too!!! I think that I may add in a 4th workout each week as 3 just doesn’t feel like enough. I’m noticing that when I get up and exercise first thing in the morning, it really sets...

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