homeschooling q&a

i’ve had a lot of questions about our homeschooling lately. what we do, what methods we use, how i plan our days, etc. i thought i’d try and answer a couple of them here.   homeschooling wasn’t something that we chose to do on a whim. it is something that we researched heavily and spoke...

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Saturday Sun

least i hope there’s going to be some sunshine!! we’re off camping for a couple days today…. fingers crossed we don’t get flooded out ha! i’m so glad to be going away, i’ve been super busy the past few weeks i’m in desperate need of a couple days off. i’ve been finishing off getting our...

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Home Schooling

I’ve been planing to write a post on this subject for a while. But somehow I’ve never quite gotten around to it. The last couple of weeks though, I’ve had quite a lot of questions regarding our family homeschooling – so I thought it was about time I actually wrote this!! Homeschooling wasn’t something that...

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not back to school….

the schools here have all started back this week.. and while we’re home-schooling, after spending years myself in the school system, I still get that ‘back-to-school’ feeling come September! I love that I get to spend all day with my kiddos, and get to enjoy this life that we have. while we didn’t completely stop...

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