Year: 2019


Dear Bean – Week Eighteen

Dear Bean Eighteen weeks – can’t believe how close I am to being halfway through this pregnancy! Time is flying by {a little too fast for my liking}. I’m feeling pretty good, lots of energy and happiness. The kiddos are still debating whether they want a girl or boy – so far it’s a 50/50...

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Three Good Things

Monday morning again. I woke early this morning, it’s getting easier day by day. I started using my Lumie Blodyclock again which has really helped. I love having an hour in the morning to myself before the house wakes up, and our hectic days begin. I pour myself a cup of Earl Grey, write in my...

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Setting some goals for 2019

Over a week into the New Year, and I am finally getting around to sharing my goals for the year. In truth, it was only at the start of the week that I actually put them down on paper. Though I have, of course, been thinking about them for the last few weeks it took me a...

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Dear Bean – Weeks 16 & 17

  Dear Bean I missed last weeks update in the midst of Christmas/New Year chaos, but I did manage to take a bump photo still. The kiddos and I have been brainstorming names, they are still in disagreement as to what they want you to be. But whoever you are, there are five people here very...

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Top 10 honeymoon destinations

If you’re planning on getting married this year, or even next, then one thing that you will be thinking about is your honeymoon. The first time I got married, we had a belated honeymoon, courtesy of my in-laws – but it was a week in Benidorm, off season, when I was five months pregnant. I...

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Three Good Things

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts, but I wanted to bring it back for the New Year. Keeping a daily gratitude journal has been life-changing, and I love sharing my #threegoodthings on here each week. It’s been a crazy few weeks here, with Christmas and New Year, as well as...

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