New Years Eve activites if you’re single

Whether you’ve been single for a month or a year, entering the world of dating again can be daunting, especially if you have come out of a long-term relationship. If you have been part of a couple for a long time, finding yourself thrown back into dating can be terrifying. You may not feel you know ‘who’ you are, you may feel nervous about putting yourself out there, you may not have a clue as to where to start or even if you are ready!

When I was newly single after a fourteen-year marriage,  I couldn’t imagine wanting to date again. I was firmly wrapped up in a world of children, nappies and work. To me, that didn’t mesh well with meeting someone new and those early days of a relationship. I couldn’t imagine that anyone would want to take on a single mum of four kids. The first few months of being single,  I didn’t even consider dating again, but gradually the idea began to feel more appealing.

When  I did feel ready, I just didn’t know where to start. Working from home, and spending the rest of my time with my kids, meant that I didn’t really meet other people very often – and when  I did, it was mainly other parents. I despaired at ever meeting somebody. A couple of years on, and my outlook is totally different. With New Year’s Eve coming up, a time when it can feel like everyone is already loved up and maybe you feel a little sad at the thought of having nobody to see in the New Year with, I thought I’ put together a few ideas for things to do on NYE that will increase the chances of meeting someone

1 | Go out! If you’re feeling like staying home, don’t! You’ll definitely not meet anyone staying at home. Instead of moping at home, treat yourself to a new dress, get your hair done and commit to a night out.

2 | Meet up with friends – arrange to meet a few {single} friends to go out with, so you don’t feel like a billy no mates. There is safety in numbers, you’ll feel more confident surrounded by your mates – and that is a sure-fire way to make yourself more attractive to others!

3| Go someplace different – don’t go to your usual bar or pub. Have a look at what is on, and try out somewhere new. Think about the sort of person you would like to meet, and where they would hang out – then look for that sort of place!

4| Look online – dating sites uk are a great way to meet up with other single people – chances are, they’ll also be looking to meet someone this NYE! WeLoveDates is a great place to start if you are new to the world of online dating.

5| Find a singles event – there are bound to be some organised singles parties on across the UK specifically for NYE. Do some online searching and see what is happening in your area. Being somewhere where everyone is single will not only increase your chances of meeting someone who is available, but also you won’t feel like the only singleton in a sea of loved up couples.

6 | Throw a party – you could opt to throw our own party. Buy in some booze and some party food, invite your friends and ask them to invite a {single} plus one. This can be a great way to meet new people without having to leave the house!

7 |  Host a singles dinner party – if you’re not a party animal, why not host a dinner party at your home on NYE? Ask around your friends and family, they are bound to know other singletons who would love to meet someone new. A much more intimate setting than a nightclub, and it would be easier to actually have a conversation with anyone you do meet so you can see if you gell.

8 | Take a mini-break – why not take a holiday, have a few days away over New Year and celebrate it in an entirely different place? Whether you book a room alone, find a singles holiday to go on, or round up a few friends to go with, it’s a great way of meeting completely new people this New Years’ Eve.

9 | Go to the movies – if you’re a movie lover, look for a late-night showing of a film you love. Grab the popcorn, and be open to picking a seat next to someone else sat by themselves {and offer to share your popcorn!}

10 | Head to the family – you could choose to spend NYE with your family – maybe they have a party or friends around? Invite yourself, see if your parent’s friends have a single son, or there is a hunky singleton living next door to them!


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