Month: July 2019


A day out at the Beatles Story

When Lola was seven she was obsessed with The Beatles, so for her birthday treat we took her to The Beatles Story in Liverpool – that was nine years ago and we’ve been promising her a return visit ever since. Well, last week I finally got around to taking her {and the others} back! It...

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Review || Sleepyhead Pod

When I was first pregnant with Oren, I read loads of reviews of the Sleepyhead Pods and saw people talking about how good they were, and I was intrigued. I never had anything like it for any of the other kiddos, and while it looked fantastic I did wonder if it was something I needed....

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Oren’s Birth Story

I promised myself that this pregnancy, I wouldn’t expect him to arrive early, yet the last three weeks I was so impatient. I was tired and achy and just wanted a baby in my arms already! There were a couple of false starts when I had a few twinges that came to nothing, but finally,...

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Five Weeks

It’s kinda crazy that Oren has been Earthside for five weeks already. There were times when I was pregnant that I wondered how I would manage. With four older kiddos, no partner, homeschooling and being self-employed – and not in a position to take any maternity leave, I seriously doubted that I would manage. Five...

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Review || Infantino

Oren and I are very excited to be working with Infantino over the next few months. Infantino is the brand responsible for designing products for happy parenting and they are the number one parenting brand in the US! They offer uniquely designed products, they cater for babies from newborn to 36 months. Their multi award-winning...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Week Four

Four weeks!! Hard to believe a whole four weeks have passed, yet at the same time, it feels like Oren has always been here. He’s been for his first camping trip this week, and aced it! Honestly, I think newborns are pretty easy to take camping – they don’t notice where they are. as long...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Week Three

Three Weeks! Why does time go so fast?! I’m trying hard to savour every minute of these newborn days for the final time. I can see him changing every day. Filling out, losing the newborn squish, becoming more alert, slowly uncurling and taking more notice of all of us. We’re still all doing really well....

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Summer Clothing Wishlist

Summer is finally here, and now I’ve had the baby I’m in need of a few new pieces for my wardrobe! I have to admit… I hate shopping with a passion! Honestly, walking around the shops trying to find what I need is my idea of hell these days. I much prefer to browse online,...

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