6 Traits of a Successful Freelancer


In today’s technologically advanced world, more and more people are turning to freelancing for work. The appeal of working from home is tempting to all ages and lifestyles because it offers the flexibility that traditional nine to five jobs don’t. However, to be an accomplished freelancer, you need to possess specific skills. These are the skills you must have to make it in freelancing.


One of the main attractions of freelancing is its ability to give you the freedom to do what you want as you please. However, the money isn’t going to make itself. It is up to you to be proactive about when and how you get your work done. Despite having the privilege to work from home, some freelancers find that they have to establish boundaries in order to complete their work. While at home, it may be tempting to do the laundry or catch up on those chores you have been putting off. It is important to carve out a time and place where you won’t have distraction; whether that be in a home office or at a coffee shop, you need to find a place where you can concentrate.

Time Management

Time is both your friend and your enemy. You are the master of your own schedule, but that also means you are in control of your success or failure. It may be tempting to take long lunches or stop working early, but this will often lead to your own detriment. Just like in a normal nine to five job, there may be times you will have to work late, so if you get off work early you may have to make up the time the next day. You are also in charge or your own schedule. Get a calendar now so that you can record all important dates, deadlines, and meetings with clients.


You may be able to stay home in your pajamas or sweatpants on the couch, but it is essential that you still present a professional image to clients. Your image is in your control, so you need to develop your brand. No matter your profession, you will need to stand out among the rest. When you attend networking events, always have business cards on hand to form connections with potential clients. When clients contact you, you must prioritize them and reply to them as soon as possible.


It takes guile to be a freelancer. Not everyone has the confidence to make it on their own. However, if you can build your confidence, you already have one of the traits you need to be a successful freelancer. When you work on your own, you have to step up to get the attention of clients. You must also have confidence in your work so that you can woo others into trusting you with their work. The worst answer you can get is a “no thanks,” so what do you have to lose?

Communication Skills

You may work from home, but you don’t live in a vacuum. It can’t be emphasized enough—remaining a reliable source of contact is critical to your success. Your clients may often contact you about the progress of your work, or they may call with critiques or concerns. Don’t let the e-mails pile up or let your voicemail box get full. On the other hand, if you are unreliable, word will spread fast. Freelancing is a competitive business, and clients can easily look elsewhere for business. Not only will you miss out on referrals, but they may spread word of your unreliability.

Creative Problem Solving Skills

With so many clients and so much to do, you will likely run into a variety of obstacles that you will have to overcome in new and unique ways. Every client has different needs, and so you may have to juggle different tasks at one time. If you have the ability to think quickly on your feet, you will soon make a name for yourself.

Being a freelancer may not be a walk in the park, but for many the benefits far outweigh the demands. If you want to be a freelancer, learn these skills to be successful in your field. If you are interested in becoming a freelancer, use a site like Remote.com to get you started.

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