Tag: vegan food


8 delicious vegan salads to spice up lunchtime

I’m a huge salad lover. In the past year, I’ve totally overhauled my diet, and re-educated my taste buds. Gone are the days I lived on bread, cheese, crisps and packets of biscuits. Lunch these days is almost always a salad of some kind. More often than not, I just throw together whatever I have...

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What I eat in a day as a Vegan

I vlogged a vegan ‘What I eat in a day‘ a little while ago, but thought I’d do a post to share a typical day’s food on here too. A little background… I’m been vegetarian on and off {mostly on} since I was ten, though I barely ate any meat before that age, I never...

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Recipe | Sweet Pototo Pizza Crust | Vegan, GF

Friday night is usually pizza night in our house. The kiddos love to make the dough, roll it out and make their own creations. I’ve experimented with several different pizza bases over the past year, but I think this may be my favourite! It’s easy to make, doesn’t have a huge list of ingredients and...

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The best vegan dips that can be made from scratch

  The days of vegan food being perceived as boring are long gone, as even hardened meat-eaters are beginning to realise just how interesting, colourful and tasty vegan options can be. What’s more, there’s a vegan alternative to just about everything – even our favourite dips. With that in mind, here are some quick, easy...

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Recipe || Vegan Shepherds Pie

Nothing beats a Shepherds Pie on a cold day to warm you up. I was in need of some serious comfort food last week, it was cold, I was recovering from a bug and I was tired after a busy week. So I whipped up this delicious vegan Shephards Pie with GoodMinz and red lentils,...

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Happy Veganversary to me!

One whole year of being Vegan! My decision to go Vegan last year was a sudden one. I’ve been vegetarian on and off {though mostly on} since I was 10, eating meat when I first got together with my ex-husband, when I was pregnant with my second child {I craved it constantly}, and then for...

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