Month: September 2010



I’m back and fairly refreshed after a short break at Centre Parcs up in Cumbria. We set off on a wet and grey Monday morning, with a car crammed full of luggage, 2 excited girls and 1 baby who hates her car seat! Thankfully she decided the best option was to sleep the entire way...

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Words of Wisdom

Always Believe in Yourself Get to know yourself –what you can doand what you cannot do –for only you can make yourlife happy Believe that by workinglearning and achievingyou can reach your goalsand be successful Believe in your own creativityas a means of expressingyour true feelings Believe in appreciating lifeBe sure to have fun every...

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Back online

just a quicky to catch up…. my computer crashed last week, I’ve just gotten it fixed today, I have a mountain of correspondence to catch up on! I had planned to post some photos today from our hols… but that’ll have to wait a day or two :D Hope you’re all good… and I will...

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Saturday Link ♥ Love

source  I’ve been away on holiday this week, enjoying some time out. So here are a few of my old favourite links that never fail to inspire me. Tara Wagners – The Organic Sister. She blogs about her life on the road with her husband and son, unschooling, mindful parenting.. as well as sharing her...

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Words of Wisdom

For BelongingJohn O’Donahue  May you listen to your longing to be free. Maythe frames of your belonging be generousenough for your dreams. May you arise eachday with a voice of blessing whispering in yourheart. May you find a harmony between yoursoul and your life. May the sanctuary of yoursoul never become haunted. May you know...

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Letting go

For as long as I can remember, I have lived with depression. I have spent years hating myself and wishing I was dead. I have lived in a constant state of depression and hopelessness. I have been full of self-doubt, and negative talk. I am my own worst enemy, constantly putting myself down, not taking...

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