Tag: single parent


Feeling the load

Lately, I’ve been feeling the load – the overwhelm of all that parenting brings, especially as a single parent. Getting kids ready for Uni/College/Groups, figuring out who needs to be where and when, who needs dinner at what time. Juggling work and children. Home ed. Kids at college. Bills. Money {or lack of}. Meals. Housework....

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Life with five

LIfe right now is full-on. Sometimes, I find myself missing the slowness of lockdown. While I am glad that life has restarted, that the kids can be at college and groups again, that there are places to go and things to do, there is also a yearning for the first lockdown, when we had endless...

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Finding our way

It’s a Saturday morning as I sit and write this. We’ve been awake for a couple of hours, me and the littlest three. We’ve had pancakes, tea, I’ve showered, Beastie and Baya have been on the trampoline, the baby has played and nursed and been cuddled, and just gone down for a nap. The kettle...

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When adulting sucks

Yesterday was one of *those* days. I woke up too early, tired, naggy, hormonal and just not really feeling it. I’d just poured a cup of tea when Beastie woke up and joined me downstairs. What I’d hoped for was half an hour/an hour to myself, to drink my tea and do some yoga in...

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