Tag: new year intentions

orange slice on top of open book next to a pen


2024 Intentions and my word of the year

A month into the new year, and with the celebrations of Imbolc, I can feel myself coming alive again. The lengthening days and the early signs of spring are wakening me from my winter hibernation. I can feel the stirrings of hope building at a new year ahead, all the adventures and fun I can...

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A slow January

Twenty days into the New Year, and I feel as though it should just be beginning. With the end of Mercury Retrograde, this feels like it is the real beginning of the new year. After the stress and illness that featured heavily in the run up to Christmas, I made a conscious decision that January...

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New Year Intentions

For years I’ve set a long list of goals each new year. Unfailingly, the only consistency is that I usually fail most of them. Looking back, my goals are often so specific and fail to consider the fact that I change. The way I think and feel, and the things that I want out of...

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