Tag: mothers mental health

anxiety, mental health awareness week, coping methods,


Anxiety – how I fought back control

Anxiety. I had it for years before I really even knew that I did. For as long as I can remember, there has been that knot in my stomach, the feeling of doom always lingering around me, the urge to keep control of everything. Anxiety overtook me as a teen, when suddenly, years of holding...

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mental health awareness week


Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, a week to talk about Mental Health. A timt to bring it into everyday conversation and to help to remove the stigma that still hovers over mental health issues. It is also a week to highlight ways to support your own mental health and to help support those...

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Postpartum Anxiety

Postpartum anxiety doesn’t get talked about anywhere near as much as postpartum depression. And while I knew that I had PPD after my second child was born, postpartum anxiety never occurred to me. It’s only been in the last three years when I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety that I’ve realised that I definitely had...

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