Surprising Ways to Boost Your Mental Health

Many of us are struggling with our mental health right now. If you’re feeling a bit blue, there are lots of things you can do to boost your mental health, such as speaking to a GP or therapist, meditating or getting out in nature, but there are also some more surprising things that can boost the mood and I’m going to take a look at them right now. CBMany of us are struggling with our mental health right now. If you’re feeling a bit blue, there are lots of things you can do to boost your mental health, such as speaking to a GP or therapist, meditating or getting out in nature, but there are also some more surprising things that can boost the mood and I’m going to take a look at them right now. For example, CBD gummies can be a great option to add to support your mental health, and you can now even buy wholesale bulk cbd gummies so you can stock up when times are tough! 

Watch TV

The usual advice is to turn the TV off and do something more nurturing when you’re feeling down, but actually, there are a lot of excellent TV shows that can feed the soul and boost the mood, and if you have a VPN from Troypoint, you can access them all. One of the best TV shows to boost your mood right now is the Headspace meditation show on Netflix, but anything that helps you to feel better whether it’s a favourite movie or a show like Community or Friends that will have you laughing out loud is just as good. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with vegging out in front of the TV if that’s what you feel you need.

Jump around

Whether you get up and jump on the bed or bounce around on the trampoline for a few minutes, it will be hards to feel anything but joy. This may seem like strange advice to give a grown adult, but sometimes, being an adult is no fun and by reconnecting with our inner child in such a simple way, we can state to change our mindset and connect with the simple joys of life. So, why not give it a try?


Colouring books aren’t just for kids, and studies have shown that spending some time with an adult colouring book can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression and other mental health issues, temporarily at least. They work by giving you a task that is simple enough it won’t trouble you, but which, at the same time, you need to concentrate on, which means it;’s more difficult for you to ruminate on negative thoughts. 

Clean up

Okay, so this won’t work for everyone, but a lot of people find that spending some time cleaning and scrubbing the home can help to relax and destress them. Not only does it give you something other than your thoughts to focus on, but it’s a physical job, and it gives you a sense of achievement when you’re done, which is why it caen be so effective.

Talk to yourself

Yes, really. Talking to yourself is a great way to work through your issues and come up with your own solutions, no therapist required. When you talk to yourself, you get it all out, and just that relief of speaking what you’re feeling can be enough to have you feeling better again.

Although all of the above ideas can help to boost your mental health, no matter how unusual they may seem, if you are experiencing serious mental health issues, you should seek immediate help from a trusted health professional.

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