Why I practice gratitude daily {and a free printable}

Gratitude. it’s something that I have practised now consciously for years. When I started trying to turn my life around, to get on top of my depression and anxiety and find contentment, I started to list three things every day I was grateful for. At first, it felt hard and unnatural. But slowly it started to become second nature. I found joy in even the smallest things and started to see how much good there was around me.

There are many benefits to practising gratitude;-

  • increased happiness
  • more positive mood
  • greater satisfaction with life
  • less materialistic
  • less likely to experience burnout
  • better physical health
  • better sleep
  • less fatigue
  • greater resiliency
  • encourages patience, humility, and wisdom

Gratitude really can turn your days around, and it is one tool that I rely on to keep my mental health on track. I usually write my gratitude list as I fall into bed each evening. I created this simple 5-minute gratitude journal – perfect to jot down what you are grateful for each day, and perfect as a daily check-in with yourself.

I’d love to see you using them – please tag me in any social posts {I’m @pollyjemima_ on IG}. Click on the image below to download!

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