Three Good Things

I used to write these #threegoodthings posts AGES ago, and I’ve been thinking for a while about bringing it back. While I keep a daily gratitude journal, I used to love sharing my three good things on here, it keeps me accountable, I love looking back at all these posts but most of all – I hope I can inspire you to think about your #threegoodthings!

So…. here are my #threegoodthings from last week

SPRING ~ the Spring Equinox plus some sunny weather was very much welcomed here. I’m definitely a sunshine/warmer weather girl, I am not cut out for our long, cold, wet winters. It’s been so lush to get the washing on the line, have the doors and windows wide open, and to not have to wear twenty layers!

MY KIDDOS ~ it was Mothers Day last week, and my kiddos showered me with love. Yummy pastries for breakfast, a pile of gifts, flowers, cake AND pie… what more could a Mama want?! Plus I got to spend Mothers Day with my Mama for the first time in years. It was perfect.

MOTIVATION ~ The last few weeks, my motivation has been at a level it hasn’t been at for years. Like 4 or 5. I feel so energised and full of life, working on my goals and getting things done. It feels good – almost as though I’ve been in hibernation for the last few years {or survival mode} and I’ve finally awoken.

What are you grateful for?

Here’s my button if you’d like to join in and blog your gratitude list!

Three Good Things with Enchanted Pixie

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