Month: January 2021

photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees



I’ve felt for a while, like I’m stuck at a crossroads. The past is behind me, yet I don’t know which road to take. I’ve been so uninspired in the last few weeks/months to write, to share, to put myself out there. I know I don’t want to share so much about my family and...

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Long weeks and lockdown stress.

Oh, it’s been a long week! Judging from my social media, everyone has been feeling it this week. This lockdown definitely seems to be hitting people harder than before. Perhaps it’s the time of year {January is depressing at the best of times}, perhaps it’s that we’re almsot a year in and things don’t seem...

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Weekend Reflections

Saturday. This week has flown by. While we’re in lockdown again, life still seems busy – but not in a stressed way. The kiddos are all a bit fed up at once again being off college/gymnastics/real life… hoping that things improve soon, though it’s looking likely that it won’t be normal anytime immediately. Still. I’ve...

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Planning Your 2021 Home Renovations

We have all been spending much more time at home over the last nine months or so. Although it can be a welcome respite from the busy life that you may normally lead, it can be tough looking at the same four walls day in and day out. As a result you have probably become...

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I sat last weekend, and read back through the goals I set myself for 2020. Asides from buying fresh flowers every week {I did buy myself flowers, but not every week as often the last weeks were still alive!} I did a good job at hitting my goals. I got on my yoga mat 300...

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