A day out at the Beatles Story

When Lola was seven she was obsessed with The Beatles, so for her birthday treat we took her to The Beatles Story in Liverpool – that was nine years ago and we’ve been promising her a return visit ever since.

Well, last week I finally got around to taking her {and the others} back! It was a good excuse for a day out to Liverpool, one of my favourite cities to visit. It’s only an hour by train from us, is big compared to where we live but not too big to get around easily. We booked our tickets through 365 Tickets, which proved to be perfect as we didn’t have to wait in the giant queue when we arrived to purchase tickets!

We got an early train and headed straight down to the docks where the Beatles Story is. Being the beginning of August it was pretty busy everywhere, the Beatles Story being no exception. Despite the crowds, the kiddos had a great time – especially Lola! There were a few bits we remembered {the aeroplane and the fish!} and plenty we didn’t. Plus, there was a whole new section on their trip to India.

Beastie’s favourite bit was the Discovery Zone – there was a piano that you walked on to play, colouring sheets, and Baya made her own zine! It was a fun day out, and we probably shouldn’t leave it nine years until we go back this time!

We were gifted free tickets for The Beatles Story in exchange for this post, all thoughts and opinions are our own.

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