Tag: valentines


Valentine Crafts for kids

With Valentines Day just around the corner, I’ve been finding out a few fun, themed crafts that I thought the girls might like to make. Baya especially always loves all the pink cutesie love themed crafts!! These past couple of weeks have been so cold and windy that we’ve been home lots and in need...

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Spring flower sun catchers

Hello! These are what we spent our afternoon making yesterday! After a showery start to the day, the sun finally came out, so we took a little walk and collected some flowers along the way. Nothing beats spring flowers to cheer me up and I love having them in the house. We were in the...

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Spring Flower Collage

The kiddos and I had planned a trip to the park on their bikes first thing yesterday morning. By the time everyone was up and dressed, it had begun to rain, so we opted for the next best thing and spent the morning crafting. When I fetched not only my button stash but also my...

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Love, love me do

Happy Valentines Day G! I love you! I hope that you’re all spending the day with someone you love :) The kiddos and I are planning a few fun valentines crafts this morning, Papa is at college until lunchtime. Then we have family coming for the weekend, as it is his Papa’s 60th birthday today!...

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A heart full of love

February always makes me think of hearts and flowers and love. While we’re busy thinking of Valentines Day and showing our partners that we love them, it’s also a great time to indulge in a little self-love. It’s important to remind ourselves of all the good in our life, some days we need those reminders...

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Valentines Printables

As much as I love Valentines, I don’t love the commercial side… I’d much rather have a bunch of flowers {picked from the side of the road} and a handmade card. As they say, it really is the thought that counts. I have a thing for quotes, and these are two of my favourites. You...

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Valentines Print

i love these lyrics from the stevie wonder song…i thought they’d make a sweet little valentines print! click on the image to downlaod the full size print. i printed one out and framed it for my Mr {hope he’s not reading this!!} ?? stay in touch! ?? follow this blog ?? twitter ?? facebook ??...

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Valentine’s Craft Swap

I took part in the Strumpet’s Crumpets Valentine Craft Swap recently. My craft partner Steph sent met the loveliest pair of fingerless gloves. I was tempted by some similar ones recently and decided  I couldn’t afford them right now – so I was thrilled to open the package!! Visit her Etsy shop if you fancy...

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