Tag: parenting


Those tricky toddler days

Toddlers. I’m sure there are a thousand memes about toddlers, tantrums and surviving them. I’ve done these years 4 times already… though no two children are ever the same. I’m definitely a different parent to the one I was when I first became a Mama. Far more relaxed, far more knowledgeable and far more understanding....

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mother, daughter, son


Now I’m the Mama of an adult…

Saturday saw my eldest daughter turn 18. 18!!! I managed to raise an actual adult. As I sat writing her card the night before her birthday, I was struck with so much emotion. My baby is a grown-up. The one who made me a Mama has grown up when I wasn’t even looking. They tell...

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Be kind to yourself Mama

One thing I’ve learned over my sixteen years of parenting is that I have to remember to be kinder to myself. Especially when I’m pregnant and have just had a baby. Society being as it is, we seem to think that being pregnant or having a newborn shouldn’t have an impact on our lives. We...

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When adulting sucks

Yesterday was one of *those* days. I woke up too early, tired, naggy, hormonal and just not really feeling it. I’d just poured a cup of tea when Beastie woke up and joined me downstairs. What I’d hoped for was half an hour/an hour to myself, to drink my tea and do some yoga in...

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Burnt toast and cold coffee

This week has been one of those weeks. The ones when the kids won’t stop arguing, you’re a huge hormonal, emotional mess, you’re super tired and stressed and everything seems too much. I don’t know if it was the weather, the moon, being midway in my cycle {I can tell I’m ovulating these days by my...

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What sounds make your baby happy?

Those first few weeks with a newborn are exhausting, and they have a tendency to sleep 24/7 {at least mine did}. By the time you make it to the six-week mark, you’re probably shattered but in love – even more so when you get that first smile and then a giggle. I remember all four...

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6 tips to help when you’re feeling overwhelmed

I don’t know if it’s the weather, sheer exhaustion or just taking on too much, but this past week I’ve been feeling majorly overwhelmed, a little burnt out and seriously stressed. The constant rain has meant we’ve spent more time in the house than we’d like to, we’ve all a bit of a case of...

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