Tag: love


Valentines Journal Prompts

I made up some new ‘love’ themed journal prompts – perfect for February and Valentines Day! I don’t journal as much as I’d like {hello crazy busy days} but I always try and squeeze it in a few times a week… I like having some prompts to get me thinking and digging deep. Click on...

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Valentines Printables

As much as I love Valentines, I don’t love the commercial side… I’d much rather have a bunch of flowers {picked from the side of the road} and a handmade card. As they say, it really is the thought that counts. I have a thing for quotes, and these are two of my favourites. You...

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Thankyou for all the wedding anniverary wishes – we had a fantastic day/evening. The rain held off {mostly} and we had an enjoyable evening, BBQ-ing and sitting around the fire with our friends. I didn’t make it into bed until 3am which is long past my bedtime these days, I think I’m still feeling the...

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11 Years

Photo from a couple of years ago, look how teeny Miss Baya was!! And oh this makes me miss my dreadlocks! Happy Eleven Years! How fast time flies. This man has made me the happiest of ladies. I’ve spent almost all of my adult life as a married buycialisquality.com woman, and for that I am...

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The Simple Life >>>

This is all I need…. some sunshine, the sound of my kiddos playing, swinging and talking to the hens. Moments of peace and pure happiness. Everything else is unimportant  I am blessed to live this life, and to have all that I need/want right here in front of me. Sometimes we loose focus on what is...

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life lately >>>>

fence building // clearing woodchip //  little helper treasure // daffodils for st davids day // frappuccino in the park washing outside{!} // new windchime // signs of spring hello loves! i hope you have all had a great weekend, we were blessed with sunny skies and mild{ish} weather. it felt so good to be able...

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Guestpost // Wedding anniversary traditions

today’s guestpost comes from alyssa at impractical composition! Brand and I are coming up on our 4 year anniversary! I can’t believe how fast the time goes by, it feels like yesterday we were taking pre-wedding pictures, and getting butterflies about our wedding day! Here are some traditions that Brand and I have on our...

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Ten years ago…

ten years ago today this man walked into my life, on the day i very nearly left this world. he was there at the worst, when no one else was. he gave me a reason to live when i had none. he made me smile. he made me laugh. he made me live. ten years...

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