Tag: gratitude


The Happy List #16

I woke up to sunshine streaming through my curtains this morning {and a cat meowing to be let out}. Blue skies always make me smile, especially when it’s the start of the day. Isn’t it amazing what a difference some sun makes to how we feel?! There’s a lot going on behind the scenes here,...

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The Happy List #14

February is almost at a close, and I am so happy to be seeing signs of spring around us. I’ve not been feeling good for a while now, but have been trying to pretend all is OK. Truth be told I am burnt out, having lived through trauma that I’ve not addressed truly, my body...

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The Happy List #12

Ah Monday! I didn’t burst into the week full of energy – instead, I crawled very slowly. Somehow, I’ve managed to get through the day, and I’m now sat at my desk while the boys play, trying to get through as much work as I can before I have to make dinner. Some days trying...

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The Happy List #9

Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely weekend, mine was very slow – I had the first migraine I’ve had in over 6 months and it really hit me hard. Thankfully we didn’t have a busy weekend planned, so I was able to rest and let my body recover. It was a good reminder...

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The Happy List #8

Oh Christmas Tree! Sitting in the evening with those lights twinkling is my favourite. Feeling all the festive feels. I took the boys for breakfast with Santa at the weekend, there are gifts under the tree now and my shopping is done {apart from food and treats!}. Looking forward to bringing my eldest home next...

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A Little Love List

It’s a cold and frosty morning, the sunrise this morning was beautiful as I lay on my bed with a cup of tea, my book and a cat curled at my side. The boys are with their Dad, so I had a little space to myself. An early morning trip to the tip {such a...

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The Happy List #7

We managed a little road trip to visit my eldest at Uni the other day, stopping off at the beach on the way. I’m super tired this week, sleep seems somewhat elusive and I am snowed under with work. Excitement levels are building rapidly now December is almost here – the countdown to opening advent...

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November Journal Prompts

“The house was very quiet, and the fog—we are in November now—pressed against the windows like an excluded ghost.” E.M. Forster A little late sharing these, the first two weeks of November have flown by! It’s been pretty wet and cold here, pretty miserable and we’ve been holed up at home far more than I...

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