Tag: advice


Be kind to yourself Mama

One thing I’ve learned over my sixteen years of parenting is that I have to remember to be kinder to myself. Especially when I’m pregnant and have just had a baby. Society being as it is, we seem to think that being pregnant or having a newborn shouldn’t have an impact on our lives. We...

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Motherhood and Isolation

Motherhood is hard. There is no denying that fact, being fully responsible for another life 24/7 can be tough going. The sleepless nights, lack of time to yourself, being constantly ‘on call’…. they all take their toll. Motherhood can also be lonely. If you’re home alone all day, with just your baby for company, it’s...

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Mums Know Best

Mums… we don’t like to admit that they actually do know what’s best when we’re teenagers. It’s often not until we become Mama’s ourselves that we realise that what they were saying really did make sense. It’s something I find myself trying to explain to my eldest two. That I’m not saying things for no...

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Letting go of perfect

I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty of it. Expecting too much of ourselves. As Mama’s we wear so many hats, have so many things to do, so many people we try to please, so many roles to juggle every single day. We expect ourselves to be perfect 100% of the time. An unrealistic...

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Life Lessons from a Newborn

It’s easy to get caught up in life, in the hustle and bustle, and having a zillion things to do. With three older kiddos and a business to run, life can get pretty crazy. Life with a newborn can be tiring and stressful, but they have some important lessons to teach us if we let...

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Be your true self

Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of who we are. Surrounded 24/7 by media telling us who we should be, hours spent scrolling through Instagram/Facebook at all those ‘perfect’ life’s, comparing our own inadequate ones to them, and feeling that if only we were more like them then all would be great… All too often...

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January survival guide

I don’t know about you, but come January and we feel the pinch… after all of the expenses that December brings money is tight and we’re trying to cut back on expenses. Add in a new baby this year and it’s not fun! January is my least favourite month, the excitement of Christmas has passed,...

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